While much has been reported and written about the disenfranchisement of working-class America and white “fly-over country,” Ms. Du Mez digs deeper into the evolution (no pun intended) of the white, masculine, American-branded faith that most of the rest of the country is still trying to figure out
Ms. Du Mez is at her best while describing how a faith movement soon became a uniquely American consumer culture with the development of Christian music, television, publishing, and movies.
Ms. Du Mez’s book is a much needed and painstakingly accurate chronicle of exactly “where many evangelicals are,” and the long road that got them there.
Tom Cox, The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Tom Cox. “Jesus, John Wayne and Justification by Faith in the American Way.” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. July 26, 2020. https://www.post-gazette.com/ae/books/2020/07/26/Kristin-Du-Mez-Jesus-John-Wayne-White-Evangelicals-Corrupted-Faith-Fractured-Nation/stories/202007260015